Our Impact

Your generosity funds the education and enhanced opportunities of children in need, through local projects that you can see in action in your own communities, and global projects that reach beyond national borders.

Once we have touched the life of a child, the impact is evident in that child’s life wherever he or she may journey. And, our work transforms not only the life of that child, but that of the child’s family and community, and the world forever.

In the stories below, you’ll see our mission come to life. You’ll see how we educate and empower, break the cycle of poverty, set children on a positive path, restore hope, and brighten futures through the power of education. We can only do this with your continued support and generous donations.


K-12 Scholarships

Nepal 2016

Under our Coloring Futures initiative, Yours Humanly enrolled 10 underprivileged children in their local school in Nuwakot, Nepal. Our scholarship covers the full cost of tuition, uniforms, books, study materials, school supplies, and all other educational needs for these children. Generosity of our donors guarantees their education from placement through 12th grade graduation.
With your support, we can help many more children in need gain access to a quality education. If you’d like to help Nepalese children, we welcome your donations. Please click here to donate.

K-12 Scholarships

India 2016

Under our Coloring Futures initiative, Yours Humanly enrolled several children in their local school in Sahaspur, India. Our K-12 Scholarship Program covers the full cost of tuition, uniforms, books, study materials, school supplies, and all other educational needs for these children. The generosity of our donors guarantees their schooling from placement through 12th grade graduation—an opportunity for an educated life.
We need your help to continue to reach children in this impoverished northern India community. Please click here to donate.

Backpacks and School Supplies

Cambodia 2016

Under our Bridging Gaps initiative, Yours Humanly distributed 600 backpacks filled with school supplies to students at an underserved school in Takeo, Cambodia. These students now have the proper supplies they need for effective classroom studies and afterschool work. This project was supported by generous product donations from Staedtler, Dixon Ticonderoga Company, and Maped Helix USA.
To help us reach more underprivileged children in Cambodia, please click here to donate.

Beltei School Partnership

Cambodia 2016

Yours Humanly partnered with Beltei International School to help bring quality education to underprivileged children in Cambodia. Access to education due to location is often a barrier, and Beltei’s many campuses across Cambodia provide more opportunities for children to attend a school close to home. Through this partnership and our Coloring Futures initiative, we are providing access to quality K-12 education to hundreds of underprivileged children in Cambodia.
If you’d like to help Cambodian children in need, we welcome your donations. Please click here to donate.

Earthquake Relief

Nepal 2015

The 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal in 2015 destroyed or damaged more than 9,000 schools. In the worst-hit areas, 90% of schools were destroyed, with hundreds of temporary learning centers set up after the disaster. There was concern for the future of millions of traumatized Nepalese children—and fears that if they didn’t return to school quickly, they could become victims of child marriage, trafficking, and child labor.
In partnership with UNESCO Nepal, Yours Humanly funded the reconstruction and rehabilitation of three schools: Tribhuvan Trishuli Higher Secondary School, Indrayani Primary School, and Panchakanya Primary School, which were severely damaged by the earthquake. Coordinated through our Bridging Gaps initiative, this effort provided the foundation for thousands of children to return to school safely and continue their education, enhancing their chances for bright and healthy futures.

Please help us aid victims of natural disasters that disrupt lives and cripple communities by donating here.

Computers and Internet

Nepal 2015

Under our Bridging Gaps initiative, Yours Humanly equipped an underserved school in Wahaki, Nepal, with computers, internet, and a computer science instructor, benefitting 500 children. The school now offers computer education as a part of its curriculum, giving these children a fair chance in their young lives and a solid foundation for their adulthood.
Our Bridging Gaps initiative in Nepal enables us to provide computer tools and education to children in need. If this is important to you as well, we welcome your support! Please click here.

K-12 Scholarships

India 2014

Under our Coloring Futures initiative, Yours Humanly enrolled 12 underprivileged children in their local school in Dehra Dun, India. The scholarships, made possible through our K-12 Scholarship Program, cover the full cost of tuition, uniforms, books, study materials, school supplies, and all other educational needs for these children. The generosity of our donors helped move these children from the streets to the classroom and guarantees their education from placement through 12th grade graduation.
If you’d like to help children in need in India, we welcome your donations. Please click here to donate.