An explosion of second wave coronavirus infections has overwhelmed India, leaving millions of people infected and putting stress on the country’s already overtaxed health care system and relief efforts.
In response, the Yours Humanly India team recently delivered a month’s worth of household supplies, hygiene kits (including face masks and sanitizers), and groceries for 100,000 meals to four slum communities in District Dehra Dun and District Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand, benefitting 1,200 people, half of whom are children. The devastating surge has left whole communities with little or nothing to eat for days, which has made this project that much more urgent.
Our team also coordinated the sanitizing and fogging of the slums, home to impoverished families of daily wage laborers, taxi drivers, and housemaids—many of whom have lost their jobs due to the pandemic.
Yours Humanly received a $10,000 donation from Delta Dental employees, including the match from Delta Dental, in support of this project. We are sincerely grateful to members of the Delta Dental workforce who contributed to this donation and give thanks for their generosity and belief in the work we do!
We are also grateful to our Yours Humanly India Team for managing this “second wave” project, through our Bridging Gaps initiative, with speed and heart, and for alleviating the suffering of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.
And we give thanks to our generous donors for making this disaster relief possible. If you, too, believe in the disaster relief work we do on behalf of children and families devastated by natural events, please donate here to help us continue to help them.
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