Our Impact

Your generosity funds the education and enhanced opportunities of children in need, through local projects that you can see in action in your own communities, and global projects that reach beyond national borders.

Once we have touched the life of a child, the impact is evident in that child’s life wherever he or she may journey. And, our work transforms not only the life of that child, but that of the child’s family and community, and the world forever.

In the stories below, you’ll see our mission come to life. You’ll see how we educate and empower, break the cycle of poverty, set children on a positive path, restore hope, and brighten futures through the power of education. We can only do this with your continued support and generous donations.


Educational Supplies & Resources

Cambodia 2023

Yours Humanly Cambodia delivered educational supplies to an underserved primary school in Takeo, Cambodia, benefiting more than 900 students and their teachers. Access to sufficient school materials is integral to the quality of a classroom curriculum. The interactive, hands-on educational supplies delivered by Yours Humanly Cambodia will allow students an enriching opportunity to be active participants in the learning process. We thank our generous supporters who have brightened the lives of these teachers and young people. This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Please support our mission to bring quality educational resources to desperately underserved classrooms by making a donation today.

Computer Center & Library

Nepal 2023

Yours Humanly has opened the doors to its first stand-alone computer center and library, located in Lalitpur, Nepal. Funded by Behring Global Educational Foundation, the Yours Humanly Nepal Computer Center & Library will serve thousands of underserved children from surrounding communities, today and for years to come. The launch of the educational center is of great significance to children, families, and community members, who will now have access to computer classes and library membership at no cost to themselves.


Free access to quality books, technologies, and computer science instruction will open new worlds to the students, who have gone without during their educational journeys. Now, with a variety of picture and chapter books, in both Nepali and English, and state-of-the-art computers and technologies at their fingertips, better, brighter futures await these precious children. This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources.


The center’s festive and well-attended ribbon cutting was held on April 21, with the thrill of holding the big scissors and making the official cut of the ribbon going to Ms. Manjali Shakya Bajracharya, Deputy Mayor, Lalitpur Metropolitan City. In attendance were members of the community; school principals, staff, and students; ward chair and officers; press, media, and influencers; and Yours Humanly Nepal board members, friends, and volunteers.


We are deeply grateful to the Behring Global Educational Foundation for its generous and profound support, and to Yours Humanly Nepal team members for the amazing work they’re doing on behalf of children in need. If you would like to help bring libraries and computer centers to children desperately in need of equitable educational resources, please donate today.

Bicycles for Scholars

Cambodia 2023

Yours Humanly Cambodia delivered bicycles to our 16 scholars who live in an orphanage in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. The students, ages 7–15, will use their bikes to commute to and from school, cutting their traditional commute time by a third and eliminating walking the long distances to school, especially strenuous in hot and humid weather. The bikes will also provide a measure of safety while commuting in the early evenings and late nights in areas that can be unsafe for young people. This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. Yours Humanly deeply appreciates the kindness and generous support of those who funded the bicycles for our scholars and brought smiles to their faces. This is truly helping children in need. If you would like to improve access to educational opportunities and ease the journey of students in need, please donate today.

Art Tablets & Technology

United States 2023

Yours Humanly delivered digital art tablets to underserved students at Oral Lee Brown Foundation in Oakland, CA. These computer input devices replace the mouse with a pen-like stylus and digitized drawing pad that allow students to hand-draw images, animations, and graphics more naturally and precisely when working in the digital medium—a hi-tech complement to traditional studio art drawing tools.

Many underserved schools in low-income areas cannot afford critical educational supplies or technologies for their students, leaving children at a disadvantage when it comes to their educational experiences. This is where Yours Humanly steps in. This donation was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which empowers young students in impoverished areas by closing the gaps between need and available resources. 

If you would like to help fund similar projects in impoverished communities to advance technological literacy and transform the life of a child forever, please donate today.

Early Literacy

United States 2022

In October 2022, Yours Humanly presented $15,000 worth of books for classroom libraries to Highland Community School, a Title 1 elementary school in Oakland, CA. Through a partnership with Oakland Unified School District, we identified Highland Community as a school most in need of English-language and bilingual picture books, chapter books, and leveled reading books for its 500 TK-5 students, 70% of whom are Spanish ELLs. Among other countries, Highland Community is home to students from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico. The books were presented to the students and staff during a festive outdoor all-school assembly and student awards ceremony. The donation of 1,000 books, made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative, benefits the children attending Highland Community today, and the thousands more who will attend over the years. Click here to view photos. [Photo credit: OUSD/@townsproutousd]


If you believe, as we do, that early literacy is the key to academic achievement, strong language skills, and lifelong learning, please donate to help us continue to reach to students in need with the gift of books.

Library & Activities Center

Nepal 2022

Students of the Shree Secondary School in Dang District, Nepal, are enjoying their new vibrant and inviting library and activities center, fully funded by the Behring Global Educational Foundation, which is dedicated to improving the education, health, and well-being of people world-wide. More than 200 students who attend the K-10 school now have at their fingertips books, games, maps, art supplies, and other educational resources that are opening whole new worlds of knowledge and exploration to them.


This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. We are deeply thankful to the Behring Global Educational Foundation and the good people of Yours Humanly Nepal for making this new and exciting educational resource a reality for the underprivileged children of Shree Secondary School and the thousands of children who will follow them in years to come.


Please help us continue to provide libraries and other educational facilities to children in need in Nepal. Donate today and be a part of something very special.

Educational Programs & Resources

United States 2022

Yours Humanly presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to Mt. Diablo Education Foundation to fund educational programs for students of Mt. Diablo Unified School District (Contra Costa County, CA). Members of Yours Humanly and Mt. Diablo Education Foundation attended the presentation at Ygnacio Valley High School, Concord, CA. This donation is made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative and our partnership with the Education Foundation during our Fall Break a Sweat for Education® Run & Walk fundraiser. We are pleased to partner with Mt. Diablo Education Foundation and support educational programs and enrichment opportunities that will impact thousands of students in need.


Please donate to help us continue to provide access to quality educational tools and resources to students in need who go without until we step in.

K-12 Scholarships

Cambodia 2022; Haiti 2022; India 2022; Nepal 2022

Of Yours Humanly’s longstanding programs that help children in need worldwide, our most impactful global effort is our K–12 Scholarship Program, in which we enroll underprivileged children in their local schools and guarantee their education through 12th grade graduation. Now, more than 135 Yours Humanly scholars in Cambodia, Haiti, India, and Nepal are enjoying another year of schooling through this program. Funded through our Coloring Futures initiative, the annual scholarships are at the core of what we do for impoverished children. We fully support their educational experience by annually covering the full costs of tuition, uniforms, mid-day meals, books, study materials, school supplies, and all other educational needs from placement through 12th grade graduation. We also cover boarding school fees when students have no home or family. 


This is an ongoing program of annual scholarships provided every year to fund another year of schooling. Once we have scholars in place, in school, we  fund their educational experience with scholarships every year through graduation.


If you feel, as we do, that every child everywhere deserves an education, please help us help our scholars, and those children who still live on the streets, deserving of an opportunity to experience a transformative education in a safe and nurturing environment. Please donate today.

Computer Lab

Cambodia 2022

Yours Humanly funded a computer lab at a K-6 elementary school in an impoverished village in Battambang, Cambodia, which benefits the 300 students currently attending the school, and the hundreds and thousands who will follow over the years. We funded computers, printers, smart TVs, white boards, desks, chairs, and ancillary equipment and furniture needed to establish a fully functioning computer lab. We live in a world that requires computer literacy to succeed. This project, made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, has introduced technology into the lives (and futures) of these children in need. If you would like to help fund similar projects in impoverished communities to advance technological literacy and transform the life of a child forever, please donate today.

ESL & English Fluency

Haiti 2022

Yours Humanly Haiti is now sponsoring English classes to hundreds of children from impoverished communities. We’re funding all books and materials needed for English instruction, as well as the English teacher’s salary. English is a universal language for much of the world; in fact, roughly 20% of the world’s population speaks English, so there are great benefits to learning English, including equipping English learners with tools to travel and communicate more effectively in many parts of the world. English is the language of opportunity—a principal language used in the fields of technology, science, economics, and politics. Approximately 50% of content on the Internet is English. Clearly, English learners will have greater opportunities in life and paths for escaping poverty to better, brighter futures. This project is made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative. If you would like to help fund similar projects in impoverished communities to advance ESL and English fluency, please donate today.


United States 2022

To meet the needs of students who are reading at the same level across grades and classrooms, Yours Humanly donated $10,000 worth of English-language and bilingual leveled readers to Grace Patterson Elementary School in Vallejo, California.


Grace Patterson is a Title 1 school that serves more than 375 students from transitional kindergarten through 6th grade. Students use leveled readers written in a variety of fiction and nonfiction categories to develop the early literacy skills they need to move forward with reading fluency and comprehension.


While classrooms are considered homogeneous for grade level, they are heterogeneous for ability. Within a grade, students are at different points in their reading abilities. Leveled readers are written at a variety of reading and instructional levels allowing teachers to provide small group instruction to increase students’ literacy skills and reading abilities.


Grace Patterson needs multiple sets of leveled books, and this is where Yours Humanly stepped in with its donation, the impact of which will be felt by the current school population and by all students who attend Grace Patterson in the future. 


This project was made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative, which supports and strengthens literacy programs and goals for children in need. If you would like to help fund similar projects at low-income elementary schools to advance literacy and encourage a love of reading, please donate today. Click here to view photos.

Library & Activities Center

Nepal 2022

Students from poor districts across Nepal who attend a school in Kathmandu now have a most amazing school library and activities center, supported in part by Intel. Starting with a blank slate, the Yours Humanly Nepal team transformed three empty rooms in the old school building into a wonderland of color, imagery, comfort, and endless opportunities for time well spent with books, games, educational activities, and friends. For children who had never had access to a library before, this is a welcomed gift—one that will serve the students, the school, and the community for generations to come.


This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. We offer Yours Humanly Nepal our sincerest thanks for envisioning a fun, innovative, and engaging library and activities center for these precious children.


Please help us continue to initiate and complete high-impact projects such as this school library and activity center for underprivileged children in Nepal. Donate here today and be a part of something very special.

Tablets and Technology

Nepal 2021

All Yours Humanly Nepal scholars, supported annually through our Coloring Futures initiative, have returned to the classroom after a full year of shelter in place restrictions and distant learning online. We provided them with new computer tablets and headphones, giving them the tools they need as they take their seats and reconnect in the in-person learning environment.


They’re glad to be back in school, and we couldn’t be happier to see them once again attending classes with friends and schoolmates and looking forward to the educational experiences that await them after such a long time away. 


The Yours Humanly Nepal team traveled to three different districts and multiple schools to meet with the students, welcoming them back to school and giving each of them the new devices, provided through our Bridging Gaps initiative. 


If you would like to help provide more scholarships to impoverished children in Nepal, or help provide the tools and technology they need in the classroom, please donate here.

Outdoor Education

United States 2021

On Friday, November 5, 2021, Yours Humanly presented a check in the amount of $10,500 to the Mt. Diablo Education Foundation. The donation funded an outdoor educational experience exploring coastal tide pools and learning about marine science for more than 120 5th grade students of three Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD, Contra Costa County, CA) Title 1 elementary schools: Sun Terrace, Fair Oaks, and Ygnacio Valley. For many students, this was their first trip to a beach and their first up close and personal introduction to tide pools. Click here to view photos.


For the past four years, the Mt. Diablo Education Foundation has partnered with Yours Humanly for our annual Break a Sweat for Education 5K and Kids Fun Run. This donation represents that partnership as we give back to the District to help level the educational playing field for students in need.


Pictured are (c) Dr. Adam Clark, superintendent of MDUSD, and members of the Mt. Diablo Education Foundation and Yours Humanly boards.


This donation is made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative. If you believe that children in need should have access to equitable resources and you would like to help provide field trips and outdoor education experiences to other Title 1 students, please donate here.

Yours Humanly Computer School

Haiti 2021

Yours Humanly has opened its first ever computer school, located in Haiti, to bring access to computer science instruction and technology to hundreds of underprivileged children in the town of Hinche, in central Haiti.


A festive ribbon cutting celebrated the opening of the inaugural Yours Humanly Haiti Computer School, which took place on October 24, 2021, and was attended by the mayor of Hinche, children and their families, members of the community, and the Yours Humanly Haiti team.


The school will serve children ages 10 and above, and already has more than 100 students registered for classes. Two classes per day will be held, Monday through Sunday. Additionally, the Yours Humanly Haiti Computer School will offer evening classes for youth and adults.


This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. Yours Humanly was responsible for constructing and funding the entire project, which included major renovations to an existing building and the installation of computer stations, furniture, electrical, generators, and toilets. Yours Humanly also purchased all laptops, software, and computer books; and is fully covering the salaries of the computer science instructors.


It is significant to note that the school is in a remote location of Haiti, without previous access to the Internet or any hi-tech capabilities that internet service provides. Despite several challenges bringing internet service to this part of Hinche and to this school specifically, we managed to do just that, demonstrating perseverance to make things happen on behalf of children in need. The building is fully equipped with new computers, dependable internet access, and experienced computer science instructors to guide the children of Hinche and neighboring communities on a path toward a quality educational experience that now includes technology and hands-on computer instruction in the curriculum.


The creation of the Yours Humanly Haiti Computer School was supported in part by Intel. We are sincerely grateful to members of the Intel workforce who contributed to this donation, and give thanks for their generosity and belief in the work we do!


We also extend our deep gratitude to all Yours Humanly supporters who have helped make this computer school for children in need possible. The impact will be felt immediately—for most children, this will be their first introduction to the power of the computer and all that technology has to offer—and for years to come as more children attend the school on their way to exciting and enriching educational experiences. Click here to view photos.


You can help us establish additional computer schools benefitting underprivileged children and their families in the countries we serve, bringing the power of computer education and technology to those in need. Please donate here. Thank you!

K-12 Scholarships

Cambodia 2021; Haiti 2021; India 2021; Nepal 2021

Our most meaningful and impactful global effort is our K-12 Scholarship Program, which enables student enrollment of underprivileged children around the world. Funded through our Coloring Futures initiative, the annual scholarships are at the core of what we do for impoverished children. Literally from the streets to the classroom, Yours Humanly removes children from harm’s way, enrolls them in their local school, and fully supports their educational experience by annually covering the full costs of tuition, uniforms, mid-day meals, books, study materials, school supplies, and all other educational needs from placement through 12th grade graduation. We also cover boarding school fees when students have no home or family. 


This is an ongoing program of annual scholarships, provided to our scholars every year, funding another year of tuition, uniforms, mid-day meals, and all other educational needs. Once we have scholars in place, in school, we continue to fund their educational experience with scholarships every year.


In 2021, through the generous financial support of our donors and sponsors, we awarded more than 100 annual scholarships for impoverished children in Cambodia, Haiti, India, and Nepal, whose education is monitored and funded by Yours Humanly.


If you feel, as we do, that every child everywhere deserves an education, please help us help our scholars, and those children who still live on the streets, deserving of an opportunity to experience a transformative education in a safe and nurturing environment. Please donate here today.

School Renovations and Facility Needs

Haiti 2021

In September 2021, Yours Humanly completed desperately needed renovations to a school in Kepon, Haiti (near Marmont). Serving about 175 students from impoverished backgrounds, the school is located in a remote countryside village with no electricity.


Improvements included pouring a concrete foundation on what had been a dirt floor; renovating the exterior of all three buildings including the addition of doors (see the before/after photos); partitioning large rooms into smaller, individual classrooms; and purchasing and placing classroom furniture to improve the learning environment and experience for students during the school day.


This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. Construction and renovations were completed with the additional help and hard work of parents and community members, who came together to make the existing school building something new and special for their children.


We celebrated with an official ribbon cutting on September 26, attended by officials from the Mayor’s office, teachers, students, parents and family members, community members, and the Yours Humanly Haiti team.


We offer Yours Humanly Haiti our sincerest thanks for envisioning a comfortable and welcoming school for these precious children and taking the steps to make that happen. And our thanks to the parents and community members who came out to support our efforts and lend a hand in the renovations. Click here to view photos.


Please help us continue to initiate and complete high-impact projects such as this school renovation in Haiti. Donate here today and be a part of something very special.

Second Wave COVID-19 Disaster Relief: Food, Hygiene, and Supplies

India 2021

An explosion of second wave coronavirus infections has overwhelmed India, leaving millions of people infected and putting stress on the country’s already overtaxed health care system and relief efforts.


In response, the Yours Humanly India team recently delivered a month’s worth of household supplies, hygiene kits (including face masks and sanitizers), and groceries for 100,000 meals to four slum communities in District Dehra Dun and District Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand, benefitting 1,200 people, half of whom are children. The devastating surge has left whole communities with little or nothing to eat for days, which has made this project that much more urgent.


Our team also coordinated the sanitizing and fogging of the slums, home to impoverished families of daily wage laborers, taxi drivers, and housemaids—many of whom have lost their jobs due to the pandemic.


Yours Humanly received a $10,000 donation from Delta Dental employees, including the match from Delta Dental, in support of this project. We are sincerely grateful to members of the Delta Dental workforce who contributed to this donation and give thanks for their generosity and belief in the work we do!


We are also grateful to our Yours Humanly India Team for managing this “second wave” project, through our Bridging Gaps initiative, with speed and heart, and for alleviating the suffering of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.


And we give thanks to our generous donors for making this disaster relief possible. If you, too, believe in the disaster relief work we do on behalf of children and families devastated by natural events, please donate here to help us continue to help them.


Click here to view photos.


United States 2021

Yours Humanly donated multiple STEM kits to Meadow Homes Elementary in Concord, California (Contra Costa County), benefiting 770 students of this Title 1 school. STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) is the foundation for curricula across the country. Through this donation, the students of Meadow Homes will be able to participate in a robust STEM program as a part of their educational experience. This project was made possible through our Bridging Gaps initiative, which serves to bridge the gaps between need and available resources. We are deeply grateful to you for your continued support of our work on behalf of children in need, and we’re honored to be a part of this STEM education effort!

If you would like to help fund similar projects and help make STEM accessible to students of low-income elementary schools, please donate today.

Interactive Science Programs

United States 2020

Yours Humanly presented a check in the amount of $1,370 to MDUSD Education Foundation to fund interactive science programs for students of Mt. Diablo Unified School District (Contra Costa County, CA). Members of Yours Humanly, MDUSD, and MDUSD Education Foundation attended the presentation at Ygnacio Valley High School, Concord, CA. This donation is made possible through our Coloring Futures initiative and our partnership with the Education Foundation during our Fall Break a Sweat for Education® Run & Walk fundraiser. We are pleased to partner with MDUSD Education Foundation and support STEM educational programs and enrichment opportunities that will impact thousands of students in need.


Please donate here to help us continue bringing critical STEM education to students in need who go without until we step in.