Yours Humanly Welcomes Mr. Andy Anastassiou as a New Board Member


Yours Humanly

August 25, 2020

Yours Humanly Welcomes Mr. Andy Anastassiou as a New Board Member

We are pleased to welcome Mr. Andy Anastassiou to the Board of Directors of Yours Humanly.
Andy Anastassiou brings more than 23 years of experience in global strategic account management and sales leadership to the Yours Humanly organization. Originally from England, Andy now holds dual-citizenship and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and children.
Andy is passionate about the care and safety of children, our world’s most innocent populations and our future. “Education is the way out of poverty—that’s key. When we help a child in need, the educational tools, technology, resources, and the very act of caring will be a part of that child’s life forever.”
When Andy met the Yours Humanly board members, he felt their passion immediately. “I hear it in their voices, I see it in their faces. This is an organization focused on giving children a forever gift and lifting those in need out of poverty with longterm solutions. I’m excited to do my part to advance that mission.”
