Mr. Kevin Hennessy

Farmers Insurance, Chair

Kevin Hennessy has been providing his Farmers Insurance customers with professional, knowledgeable, and sound advice since 2003. Immersed in the financial world, Kevin has an exceptional aptitude for numbers and finances, helping people protect what they have and build what they want. He brings that vision and financial acumen to the Yours Humanly Board of Directors.

Kevin is also passionately involved with his local community, serving on the Greater Concord (CA) Chamber of Commerce from 2012 to 2018, where he sat on the Executive Committee for four years and served as Board Chair 2016-2017.

Believing in the importance of the education experience, Kevin has spent many years supporting public schools and school children. In 2010, he joined the board of the United Mt. Diablo Athletic Foundation, an organization founded to fundraise for school athletics. He served as board president from 2012-2015, and VP from 2011-2012. Kevin is co-founder and past president of the Valhalla Elementary (Pleasant Hill, CA) Dads Network, a volunteer group organized to provide badly needed campus and classroom maintenance. The group founded Make a Difference Day in 2002, which brought children and parents together to work on maintenance projects around the school, and organized a Dads Maintenance Day for dads alone, who combined their abilities and power tools to build classroom supplies and resources, such as custom-designed cubbies.

Kevin was named the Greater Concord Chamber 2010-2011 Volunteer of the Year, and the Chamber’s 2014 Small Business of the Year—a recognition for which he was additionally acknowledged by the East Bay Leadership Council at its 2014 Small Business Awards ceremony.

Kevin believes we need to level the playing field for children in the United States and around the world, and the best way to empower children is through education, the foundation of their development. Because Kevin believes in building strong local communities, Yours Humanly is a natural fit for his business and leadership skills and his volunteer spirit.

Citing the pebble in the pond metaphor, Kevin suggests, “If everyone dropped just one small pebble in the pond toward the betterment of children, think how powerful that ripple would be.”