Yours Humanly Scholar Graduates High School; Will Continue on to College
Through our Coloring Futures initiative, Yours Humanly funds ESL instruction to our Yours Humanly scholars, who are enrolled in their local schools through our K-12 Scholarship Program and who learn English while furthering their studies in their native languages. Now, double congratulations are in order for our new Yours Humanly graduate! We are thrilled to announce the achievements of this young Yours Humanly scholar who has completed her high school education through our K-12 Scholarship Program, earning her high school diploma! At the same time, she has completed all 12 levels of ESL instruction, funded by Yours Humanly, also earning her ESL program diploma and marking her fluency in the English language!
While she was attending Beltei International School in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, through our Scholarship Program, and studying in her native Khmer language, we also enrolled her in ESL classes at Beltei so she could learn English while furthering her general studies. The importance of her efforts and accomplishments are profound: English is the language of international communications, allowing people who speak English to connect and work with others on a global stage. Congratulations to this young scholar, whose K-12 education and enhanced opportunities in life are made possible through the kindness and generosity of Yours Humanly supporters.
Yours Humanly
November 1, 2023