Mr. Sunny Singh

Yours Humanly, Founder & CEO

Sunny Singh, Yours Humanly Founder, President & CEO, believes that education is a basic human right. Growing up in India, Sunny witnessed firsthand, every day—at a very young age—the impact poverty and illiteracy have on families and their ability to provide for their children’s health and education. These experiences and life-long memories moved Sunny to choose to make a difference in the lives of children. To honor his commitment, Sunny created Yours Humanly in 2013. Today he works tirelessly, empowering disadvantaged children and brightening their lives through the power of education.

Sunny moved to the United States in 1992, graduated with a business degree in finance and international marketing in 1997, and enjoyed much success as a California entrepreneur before turning his full-time attention to nonprofit leadership when he founded Yours Humanly. His drive and devotion are fueled by the value he places on his own educational opportunities and the shared responsibility he feels to help the world’s most vulnerable children.

Sunny has seen great sadness and hopelessness in the eyes of children in need, and he has seen great joy and happiness when a child’s life is touched with a helping hand and a path toward an educated life. Leading by example, Sunny believes in giving no less than 100% to a promise. Since 2013, he has traveled extensively through the United States and to Cambodia, Haiti, India, Nepal, and the Philippines to personally meet the children—and their families, guardians, teachers, and school administrators—served by Yours Humanly. His command of four languages—English, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu—enables him to communicate clearly and compassionately with the children and their advocates.

Propelled by his commitment to be a part of the solution, Sunny spends his time speaking and sharing his vision; reaching out and developing global partnerships; and guiding and growing the organization across time zones and school years to honor the mission of Yours Humanly: to empower the world’s most vulnerable children through access to quality education.

“People are often shy and uncomfortable and afraid they might not be able to accomplish what they’ve volunteered to do. I show them that we are all capable of great things—extraordinary measures—if we take the small steps that eventually lead to great strides. And that’s what we must do, together, because nobody’s going to hand it to us, nobody’s going to make it easy for us, and nobody’s going to carve out our journey except us.”